Supporting the Diversity of the Yoga Community
Scholarship Opportunities for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color
At Shivakali we believe that all people are a rainbow of colors regardless of their descent, and contribute to the vast spectrum of human diversity. We also believe in supporting the diversification of the yoga community, and for that to be realized, we recognize the need for the diversification of yoga teachers.
To serve this goal, we offer a partial scholarship towards our trainings to anyone considering themselves a person of color. We simply need to hear from you before registering to offer the scholarship!
To be eligible, we ask that you write us an email answering this simple essay question: Why is diversity in Yoga important to you? Feel free to use the contact form below for further questions, or email us directly at
~ Om Ah Hung ~
Read our statement on Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity at bottom of page.
At Shivakali Yoga, we believe in the values of equity, diversity and inclusivity.
Our goal is to be a spiritual refuge and a safe haven for people of all races, nationalities, religions, genders, sexual orientations, languages, abilities and ages.
Shivakali Yoga is working towards being an anti-racist organization. We acknowledge that racism often expresses itself unconsciously and unintentionally, and thus view this as a work that never ends. We see racism as an obstacle that extends beyond racial hatred, one that lives both implicitly in ourselves and in our society as an underlying systemic issue. As an organization working towards anti-racism, we seek to firstly identify, discuss and transform issues of race within ourselves as teachers, healers, and leaders. We then challenge ourselves to understand and correct any inequities we discover within our environment, and to support and nourish a diversity of voices within our community.
Our intention is to create a safe space for staff & students to discuss race, and its importance in both our yoga community and on our lives outside. All of our white team members are committed to continue to discuss and deepen their understanding of race + racism through our work with anti-racism educators, and to work cooperatively with ally-ship organizations in dismantling systems of oppression. We view this work as powerfully rewarding! By striving towards and embracing the principles of equity, diversity and inclusivity, our purpose is strengthened and our community is infinitely more dynamic.
May all beings have peace.
SHIVAKALI YOGA I OJAI, CA 93023 I T:310.400.3384